Prosocial behaviour is the act of going out of one’s own way to boost morale, quality and relationships between people. In the workplace, prosocial behaviour is seen as improving the quality and quantity of work that reflects on the job performance at the employee level and meets targets set at the organizational level. prosocial behaviour engagement between coworkers and colleagues has shown improvement in perceiving work to be less stressful and improves dependability and efficiency towards quality completion of work.
Some of the effective ways to increase prosocial behaviour at the workplace include:
Helping an Individual in need
Helping out our colleagues when they need help shows that we are focused on completing the work to meet deadlines and teaching skills to colleagues that can be perceived as bonding behaviour. When we teach our colleagues, we empower them to be independent and autonomous at the same time.

Sharing Personal Resources
When we lend our resources both tangible and intangible to our colleagues who may require them, we are enabling them to be better coworkers and providing them with tools to directly achieve their goals. Resources are important in any workplace. They provide us with the necessities to complete our work. From stationery and technology to finding the right support on and off-campus at the workplace, we require resources to sustain ourselves at work. Providing our resources to others shows us that we can take the place of providers and enablers in the workplace and we also become indirectly responsible for others work.

Volunteering Time, Effort, and Expertise
Different people in a single workplace have multiple roles and duties. Not all are proficient and we all have different rates of learning and growing in an organization. By giving our team to mentor and train our colleagues and subordinates with essential skills required at the workplace, we raise and lift the morale and productivity of people at the workplace. Our efforts of training, mentoring and sharing expertise reflect on the performance of our colleagues who have been mentored. On a personal level, it gives a feeling of accomplishment and on the organizational level, the team and company benefit from the productivity of these employees.

Cooperating with others to achieve common goals:
Communication and setting expectations, boundaries etc help to establish easier patterns to connect with each other at the workplace. When we show that we are available to others, they feel more comfortable and show a positive attitude towards reaching out to us. When common goals are met, the team does not only feel satisfied but also shows a willingness to work on more projects with each other, and thus slowly build relationships with each other.

Prosocial behaviour at and off the workplace is always helpful because it promotes social responsibility, ownership and boosts the esteem of both provider and the receiver. Prosocial behaviour builds a positive chain of social interactions between communities and this develops tolerance and less resistance towards each other.