Organization is the state of our mind and also a skill that is key to streamlining and enabling efficiency for task completion at the workplace. When we stay organized and systemic to complete our work, it reflects on our underlying cognitive process of having clarity and direction for how perceive our work to complete and the impact it has on the organization.
There are five simple ways to keep ourselves organized at the workplace:
1) Prioritize:
Arranging work based on the priority of delivery and importance helps us keep up with our work. When we prioritize our work, we actively complete the work which needs the most attention and helps us keep our focus on the goals. Prioritizing work also reduces the chances of cluttering schedules and the delivery of work.

2) lists and schedules:
We have ample tools and resources that help us keep our work organized but knowing which work goes on what list is the art of organization. Keeping a track of personal lists at the workplace is not only counterintuitive but also counterproductive. Lists are made to pen our mental ideas onto paper which gives us objectivity and clarity of goals. Digital calendars and lists also have timers that give a physical reminder of work.

3) Task Delegation:
Breaking assigned tasks into workable small components and sharing among colleagues helps teams to reach their deliverables complete to fruition. Management and ownership of the work are assigned to every member of the team which translates to a democratic style of communication and task completion of work.

4) Time Management:
Different work requires different dates for completion of work. Completing smaller achievable goals helps us with setting the pace to achieve and complete our work on time. Completing difficult tasks and the beginning of the day and easier tasks by the end of the night utilizes our energy capacity to its efficiency but may not fulfil the feeling of accomplishment. Hence, when we complete smaller goals first and progress to complex goals, we motivate ourselves to complete work more efficiently.

5) Sorting phone and emails:
Emails and phone calls are inevitable. We receive them during and after work hours. Dedicating specific time during work hours to go through emails and reply accordingly gives us the freedom to sort and prioritize our emails with less stress and hassle. We can give time to both our work and emails with more focus.Organization of our work at the workplace is an art, it is the state of mind which requires us to constantly innovate and change our gameplan to stay on top of work. These tips are common to most workplaces and this ensures in some ways we maintain an equilibrium between pending tasks and delivery of tasks.